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Online retailers, global or country-wide brands, online courses, etc. (filter by categories)
Coaches, stores, gyms, local retailers and more near you. (displayed on a map, filter by categories)
Movement retreats, wellness weekends and more. (displayed on a map, filter by categories)
Books on natural movement, natural food, sustainable lifestyle, mental toughness, and more.
Our health & fitness are declining as individuals and societies. With modern tech and medicine, it should improve. So why is that?
Get more physical activity, healthy food and outdoor time. We all know this. So what’s different about the Foresighted approach?
It’s much simpler and easier than you think to adjust your lifestyle to a more Foresighted one. Why not start now?
Dive deeper into the fundamentals of the Foresighted lifestyle and its rationale.
Understand the stimuli our bodies need to stay strong & healthy, and how to get them.
We’re up against a lot if we want to change. Not only our own instincts but a lot of our current social norms.
Movnat is one of the best training methods to learn about the natural movements our bodies need.
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