Strategies for a more Foresighted lifestyle

Our bodies are influenced by all the stimulations we give them, and these can be broken down, roughly, into:

  • physical ones: volume and type of activity, footwear and clothes we wear, cold/heat exposure, etc.
  • nutritional ones: what type of foods we eat, when, etc.
  • mental ones: relationships within our human tribes, etc.
  • environmental ones: where do we live, nature immersions, and more

We’re grouping below some principles and strategies to achieve them, by area, to give a high-level overview of what a Foresighted lifestyle looks like.

Although strategies are noted under one category only, most obviously apply to several of them!

Physical domain

Principle: get enough physical activity

Getting enough can be done by getting more volume and/or increasing its intensity.

Increasing Volume

Increasing Intensity

Principle: Get enough variety of physical activity

Principle: try to cover most natural movements

Principle: Minimize sedentary time

Principle: Minimize the constraints on our bodies

  • Barefoot/minimalist shoes: an easy swap is to get more minimalistic footwear


Principle: Prioritize real foods

  • Animal foods: prioritize wild-caught seafood or game, as well as grass-fed, free-range and sustainably raised beef, lamb, chicken, pork, etc.

Principle: Minimize processed food

  • Minimize heavily processed vegetable oils

Principle: Minimize free sugars intake

  • Definitely avoid processed food with added sugars in them

Mental domain

Principle: Reconnect and spend more time outdoors, ideally in nature

  • Even 10 mins in a small urban park is highly beneficial

Principle: Find and connect like-minded humans sharing your views and values

Environmental domain

Principle: Re-incorporate discomforts in our lives

  • refrain from—completely—protecting yourself from the elements. Expose yourself to variations in temperature, wet/dry areas, etc.
  • safely incorporate risk in your training
  • train and walk barefoot outside when possible and safe to do so

Principle: More than a minimalist lifestyle, use a nomadic lens

  • a lot of what we own is directly aimed at helping us reduce the efforts we make on a daily basis. So the less we own, the more we stimulate our bodies.

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Movnat Licensee in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Headed by 2 Certified Movnat Trainers.
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Movnat Certified Trainer in Oxford, UK with onsite and online classes for all levels.
Movnat Certified Trainers
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Minimalist barefoot sandals & boots, handcrafted from natural materials. 100% sustainable.
Portuguese-made, sustainable, health-focused minimalist footwear.
The world leader in Natural Movement fitness
Outdoor & artisanal anoraks made from all-natural materials in Melbourne, shipping worldwide.
Fully outdoor nursery/preschool in South London
Putney Heath, UK

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