Foresighted lifestyle: a primer

We’ve never had more tools at our disposal to be string and healthy, from the advances of modern medicine to all the technology development in the past decades.

And yet, at a population level, we’ve never been so chronically sick and so out of shape that our lifespan in good health has been going backwards.

More and more chronic diseases are affecting people at younger ages than ever before, and overweight is becoming a major health issue for an increasing number of us, including children and young adults. And it’s not just numbers, it’s directly limiting the possibilities we have in life.

Our modern lifestyle seems to make us sicker and sicker. Litteraly.

The good news? We don’t have to accept this fate. Many of these negative trends exist because our environment has changed drastically from the one our bodies evolved in to need to stay healthy.

By making some simple adjustments to our modern lifestyles, we can adopt a more Foresighted approach that gives our bodies (and minds) what they need to thrive.

Foresighted’s mission is to empower you to make those changes.

Our Bodies Haven’t Evolved for Modern Life

The human body evolved over 300,000 years ago in an environment that was:

  • Movement-rich and calorie-scarce
  • Full of varied, unprocessed foods
  • Filled with physical challenges and environmental stressors

This “natural” environment provided crucial stimuli that shaped our evolution. As a result, the human body became adapted to thrive under those conditions, but that’s only half the story.

The important—and less acknowledged—point: our bodies also evolved to require those stimuli to function optimally. When we don’t get them, our health suffers.

Consider bone density: It develops in response to physical activity during our first 20 years of life. Without enough of the right kinds of movement, we don’t develop strong bones, leading to increased risk of osteoporosis at younger ages – which is exactly what we’re seeing today.

Our bodies allocate resources efficiently: calories are used to build strong bones only if our activity levels signal that we need them. Otherwise, those calories are stored as fat.

The problem? Our bodies are still operating by the rules of our ancient environment. They expect lots of varied movement and periodic food scarcity. So when we don’t move much and have an overabundance of food, our health declines.

Our bodies evolved to thrive on lots of movement and modest food intake, but modern life offers the opposite: lots of food and little movement.

The instincts that once kept us alive, like conserving energy and seeking out calorie-dense foods, are now contributing to chronic health problems.

From an evolutionary perspective, this makes perfect sense. But in modern environments, it works against us.

The problem is, our bodies are still operating by the rules of our ancient environment. They expect lots of varied movement and periodic food scarcity. So when we don’t move much and have an overabundance of food, our health declines.

Our environments have changed faster than our bodies could evolve to keep up. So what’s the solution?

Small Changes Can Have a Big Impact

The answer is simple in concept, though not always easy in practice: we need to realign our lifestyles with our evolutionary needs.

That means:

  1. Incorporating more of the beneficial elements of our “natural” lifestyles
  2. Reducing harmful modern influences
  3. Still enjoying the benefits of modern advances in technology and healthcare

Here’s what a Foresighted lifestyle looks like in practice:

Physical Activity

  • Increase volume: Move more throughout the day, every day
  • Increase variety: Practice a wide range of movements
  • Prioritize natural movements: Walking, running, climbing, lifting, carrying
  • Minimize sedentary time: Break up long periods of sitting
  • Reduce movement constraints: Choose less restrictive clothing and footwear


  • Prioritize real foods: Focus on whole, minimally processed options
  • Minimize processed foods: Especially those with added sugars and artificial ingredients
  • Embrace variety: Eat a diverse range of foods


  • Reconnect with nature: Spend more time outdoors
  • Embrace (some) discomfort: Expose yourself to temperature variations and physical challenges
  • Reduce harmful exposures: Minimize contact with pollution and artificial chemicals

Simple, but not easy.

Overcoming Obstacles to Change

We’re up against significant obstacles. Among them:

  • Our instincts: Our brains are wired to avoid effort and seek easy calories
  • Social norms: Our environment often discourages healthy behaviors
  • Busy lifestyles: Time constraints make habit change difficult

Start Your Foresighted Journey Today

The good news is, there have never been more resources available to help us adopt a Foresighted lifestyle. And while it’s never too late to start, the earlier you do, the better.

Why start now?

  • The fitter you are, the easier it is to stay active
  • If you have kids, you’re setting them up for lifelong health and vitality

Here’s how Foresighted can help:

  1. Raising awareness: Understanding why these changes matter is the first step
  2. Showing the ease of small changes: We’ll guide you in making simple adjustments with big impacts
  3. Providing resources: We connect you with trainers, gyms, food options, and sustainable brands to support your journey

How Foresighted can help

Wherever you are in your health journey, there are now more resources than ever to help you live more Foresightedly:

  • Books: Dive deep into evolutionary biology or master habit-building techniques. From academic insights to practical guides, there’s a book to fuel every stage of your journey.
  • Trainers and Coaches: Find experts in your area who understand the importance of natural movement and holistic health.
  • Health Professionals: Connect with doctors, nutritionists, and therapists who take an evolutionary approach to wellness.
  • Food Sources: Discover local farmers’ markets, CSAs, and health food stores offering whole, nutrient-dense foods.
  • Sustainable Products: From minimalist footwear that lets your feet move naturally to eco-friendly workout gear, find products that support both your health and the planet’s.

Our mission at Foresighted is to help as many people as possible shift their lifestyle towards a more Foresighted one. We’re doing it by:

  • raising awareness that how we live today is not supporting our health: yes, we all know we should move more, eat better, etc. But we see those things as bonus “healthy lifestyle” habits. In reality, they’re essential for us to thrive.
  • showing the ease of making small changes: super small and easy adjustments can have a big impact. Walk a bit more on the weekends. Sit on the ground for a few minutes before sitting on it. Go barefoot indoors. Small changes add up over time.
  • putting resources at your fingertips: We make it easy to find trainers (online or local) to support you; gyms that empower you to move more independently; local food options that are healthier and more affordable than the supermarket; trustworthy brands that prioritize your health and the planet’s.

We put all this at your fingertips to make positive change as easy as possible. But the first step is understanding why changing how we live today is so important – for ourselves, our families, and our world.

Become Fitter, Healthier, and Happier.
One Natural Habit at a Time.

Get the Foresighted Weekly Recap for science-backed strategies and simple tips to move more naturally, eat better, and feel amazing. Plus, get exclusive opportunities to test new products from the innovative & sustainable brands making healthy living easier.

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Featured Gems

Just a few of our gems hitting all the right notes. Good for you and the planet. Support them.

Movnat Licensee in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Headed by 2 Certified Movnat Trainers.
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Movnat Certified Trainer in Oxford, UK with onsite and online classes for all levels.
Movnat Certified Trainers
Oxford, UK
Minimalist barefoot sandals & boots, handcrafted from natural materials. 100% sustainable.
Portuguese-made, sustainable, health-focused minimalist footwear.
The world leader in Natural Movement fitness
Outdoor & artisanal anoraks made from all-natural materials in Melbourne, shipping worldwide.
Fully outdoor nursery/preschool in South London
Putney Heath, UK

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Get the Foresighted Weekly Recap for science-backed strategies and simple tips to move more naturally, eat better, and feel amazing. Plus, get exclusive opportunities to test new products from the innovative & sustainable brands making healthy living easier.

We make it simple to build habits that stick—even with a busy schedule.

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