Are you searching for minimalist / barefoot shoes options that match your school’s shoe requirements? We detail the models available in Australia and where to find them.
Note: if you’re after a more general overview of all the minimalist footwear brands available in Australia and where to buy them, please see our definitive guide for barefoot shoes in Australia.
School shoes in Australia are considered part of the school uniform and generally must fit in these requirements:
- black
- closed
- not black sports shoes (you might get away on this one though)
There are no real requirements to have heels, rigid soles, narrow toe boxes, etc. Please let us know if you encounter other strict requirements you cannot get away from.
Luckily, there are a few models that fit those, so your kids don’t have to spend all school days in shoes that constraint their growing feet.
bprimal range of school range
Primarily an online retailer, bprimal has an impressive range of school shoes under their own brand, with several styles to choose from. Bonus: they also have models by Vivobarefoot, LEM’s shoes, etc.

Photo credits: bprimal
Paperkrane shoes
From Paperkrane (Aussie brand), 3 models generally available, girls and boys, from Kindy all the way to high-school. See their full school range.

Photo credits: Paperkrane
Vivo has a couple of models suitable as school shoes as well. Availability can be spotty so look in our broader Australian guide to see all the places you can shop for Vivobarefoot models (there are a few).

Photo credits: Vivobarefoot